
Pour inclure des Gantt LaTeX dans votre pdf, vous pouvez ajouter l'inclusion suivante dans le fichier

 - \usepackage{pgfgantt}

Intégrez et utilisez ensuite les commandes LaTeX suivantes pour créer votre diagramme de Gantt :


                              COMMANDS DEFINITION

Available commands:
- \begin{coolGantChart}{start}{end}
  Create a new Gantt from start to end indexes.
  Thoses indexes are used to generate the gantt bars afterwards
- \end{coolGantChart}
  End the gantt chart
- \gantttitle and \gantttitlelist
  See Titles section in [pgfgantt documentation](
- \coolNewGroup{Group title}
  Create a group title for the following gantt bars
- \definecolor{actual}{RGB}{68,114,196}
  Defines the `actual` color to RGB(68, 114, 196).
  The `actual` color is used by default for the coolNewBar command
- \coolNewBar[color]{Bar title}{start_index}{end_index}
  Create a gantt bar from start_index to end_index
  Color defaults to `actual`
- \coolNewLink[line_count]{from}{to}
  Create a link from the `from` bar to the `to` bar
  The first bar created in the chart is indexed 0 and it increments for each bar created.
  `line_count` correspond to the how much lines are between from and to to make the arrow turns at the right places
- \coolNewRevertLink[1]{1}{2}
  Same as \coolNewLink but the turns are centered the opposite way (try it to understand fully)

Are are some nice colors to use for the bars
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{68,114,196}   % Blue
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{112,173,71}   % Light green
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{255,217,102}  % Yellow
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{255,75,75}    % Light red
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{0,188,208}    % Cyan
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{237,125,49}   % Orange
\definecolor{actual}{RGB}{112,48,160}   % Purple


  x unit=0.50cm,
  group left shift=0,
  group top shift=0.4,
  group right shift=0,
  group height=0.7,
  bar height=.5,
  group peaks height=.0,
  group peaks width=.0,
  y unit chart=0.5cm,
  y unit title=0.5cm,
  title height=0.8


\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=#1},name=\thetest]{#2}{#3}{#4}

\ganttgroup[group/.append style={draw=black}]{#1}{-100}{-100}

    \ganttlink[link mid=(1 - 1/(2*#1))]{#2}{#3}
    \ganttlink[link mid=(1/(2*#1))]{#2}{#3}


                                  EXAMPLE GANT


\gantttitle{1ère année}{12}\gantttitle{2ème année}{12}\gantttitle{3ème année}{12}\\
	\gantttitlelist{1,...,36}{1} \\

\coolNewGroup{Groupe 1}{1}{36}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 1}{1}{36}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 2}{1}{6}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 3}{7}{13}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 4}{7}{11}\\


\coolNewGroup{Groupe 2}{1}{12}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 5}{1}{2}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 6}{3}{7}\\


\coolNewGroup{Groupe 3}{8}{29} \\
\coolNewBar{Barre 7}{12}{15} \\
\coolNewBar{Barre 8}{8}{15}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 9}{16}{24} \\
\coolNewBar{Barre 10}{23}{29} \\


\coolNewGroup{Groupe 3}{1}{24}l\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 11}{1}{3}
\coolNewBar{Barre 12}{3}{7}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 13}{7}{24}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 14}{1}{24}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 15}{5}{11}\\


\coolNewGroup{Groupe 4}{1}{24}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 16}{1}{8}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 17}{13}{20}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 18}{13}{18}\\


\coolNewGroup{Groupe 5}{1}{16}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 19}{1}{6}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 20}{3}{7}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 21}{8}{10}\\
\coolNewBar{Barre 22}{11}{16}\\


\coolNewGroup{Grouope 6}{1}{13}\\
    \coolNewBar{Barre 23}{1}{7}\\
    \coolNewBar{Barre 24}{8}{13}\\

